Characteristic and suitablescope the surface basic is 10 steeil and spcc , then sinter 20high - tin , the manufacture has good antifriction , no fever heat , against grip axes , suitable for engines camshaft and pneumatic engine , refrigerating machine bushes . at present , our factory is the greatest export factory for eccentric bushes in the domestic area , and match bushes to isuzus idler gear for japanese isuzu co 表面以10钢或spcc低碳钢为基础,表面烧结锡合金材料扎制而成,产品具有耐磨性能好,不发热,不咬轴等优点,特别适用于发动机凸轮轴,气压机,制冷机轴套,目前我厂是国内出口偏心轴瓦的最大厂家,并一直为日本五铃公司配套五十铃惰轮衬套,和国内各主要柴油机厂配套。